Richmond |

A central part of America's history, Richmond used to be the capital of the Confederacy during the American Civil War. Today, this charming city where Patrick Henry famously declared. "Give me liberty or give me death", is a perfect mix of old and new. Richmond's soul is strongly tied to its roots, but also boasts an energetic modern vibe thanks to its forward-thinking residents. Packed with history and a charming atmosphere, the city has a plethora of fun and alluring things to do. From its peaceful local parks to intriguing and knowledge-packed museums and cultural centers. Visitors can explore fascinating enlightening places like the Fine Arts Museum, the Civil War Museum or simply unwind and take a stroll down the city's charming streets. If you're looking to spend some time just relaxing and taking in the city's vibe then a trip on an easy-going boat down Richmond's Riverfront Canal is a must! You can see the city and its picturesque natural scenery, perfectly blended with the urban landscape. Travelers with a more adventurous spirit, however, can also get an adrenaline-packed experience taming the wild rapids down the James River.

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