Darmstadt | GoComGo.com

Darmstadt lies in the south of the state of Hesse and is part of the Rhine-Main-Area. Darmstadt identifies itself as a city of science and a center of culture, by combining the best of art and research.During a stay in Darmstadt, a visit of the artists' colony on the Mathildenhöhe is a must. As from there the city’s most famous landmark, the Wedding Tower, can be admired from close.

In good weather the tower offers a spectacular view over the whole city and even to Frankfurt. A stroll through the Old Town and the Herrngarten, the largest and oldest park in Darmstadt, should also not be missed.In 1997 Darmstadt officially received the title "Science City" as it is a major center of scientific institutions, universities, and high-technology companies like the European Organization for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites (EUMETSAT) and the European Space Operations Centre (ESOC).

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